Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The New Year - 2015

2015 is about to start. Now is the time to make a new years resolution and follow through. Now is the time to start over, change and be the person you want to be. Promise yourself that this year, will be a better year... well at least for your wardrobe ;) Start putting in some effort into your appearance. Maybe change things up a little, get a haircut, buy a nice watch, start working out. Make a small change that will make you feel good about yourself. This is the perfect time to start experimenting with your own style. Don't dress like everybody else, be different and I assure you, you will get many compliments. Feeling good starts with looking good. If you put on an outfit which is a little bold, with your amazing heels, and your gorgeous new haircut, I'm sure you will feel confident. This confidence resonates to other people. People will notice you more and approach you much faster. Wear what you always dreamed of wearing, that's the perfect way to start the new year.
Thank you for reading my blog, hopefully this year I will have more time to post. May 2015 be a great year for all of you!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black is the New Black

This summer I traveled in Europe, in some of the biggest fashion cities. I realized that most of the time when outfits really popped out to me, was when the girls were wearing black. I love the color black because it can be casual and cool yet fancy. Black can literally be worn whenever, and wherever you want. Its versatility and simplicity intrigues me. Many times wearing black is very slimming and can also hide your unwanted curves. Personally, when I wear black, I like to keep a calm palate throughout the rest of my outfit. I almost feel that black is a color which should be  admired, rather then distracted by another bold color. Don't take me wrong, I love pairing up black with other colors. My three favorite colors to pair up black with are; olive green, maroon, and white. If you decide to just wear black then you have to always remember to accessorize. A bold necklace and a nice purse are great things to add to a simple black outfit. Try it out and play with your outfit. Black is a great color to personalize and be creative with. Don't be afraid to take risks and express yourself.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Summer Styles

Depending on where you live, summer is a difficult season to dress cute because it's hot and humid and you don't feel like having your clothes cling onto you. When I'm picking out what to wear I normally revert to my high waisted shorts and a crop top. High waisted shorts are extremely figure flattering to any body type. High waisted shorts make you look like you have long legs, a toned stomach, and a cute butt. There are so many different styles to choose from. There are basic jeans, to flower print, to galaxy themed. There are more classy ones that you can dress up with a nicer, more simple top and a bold necklace. It is very much in style at the moment to wear high waisted shorts with a graphic tee crop top. It makes you look cool and fashion forward. You can give off many different vibes depending on how you dress it up. I really enjoy the look of high waisted shorts and a crop top because crop tops are perfect for the summer. They have a lot of air circulation and in general keeps you much cooler than a regular tee or tank.  Have a cool and sweatless summer ;)

Monday, March 17, 2014


Leather has become a major material in clothing recently. I do not mean the heavy real leather, like leather jackets that you would normally
picture, they are very expensive. I mean fo-leather; it is very affordable and extremely modern. This season the rocker look is trending! You will be seeing a lot of black and white, and interesting materials. I think leather shirts are probably one of the coolest things out there at the moment. Not necessarily a shirt all covered in leather, but more a shirt that has clever placings of leather on it. It can look almost innocent but add some rocking gray jeans, and black combat boots, and you can look like a bad-ass. This look can totally boost your self-esteem, and make you feel confident and cool. Leather dresses are so amazingly genius. Even to a fancier event or a causal party, leather dresses could add personality and give you the extra attention you are looking for! I think if you add leather to any part of your outfit it will make you be noticed and give you an edge.