Saturday, November 29, 2014

Black is the New Black

This summer I traveled in Europe, in some of the biggest fashion cities. I realized that most of the time when outfits really popped out to me, was when the girls were wearing black. I love the color black because it can be casual and cool yet fancy. Black can literally be worn whenever, and wherever you want. Its versatility and simplicity intrigues me. Many times wearing black is very slimming and can also hide your unwanted curves. Personally, when I wear black, I like to keep a calm palate throughout the rest of my outfit. I almost feel that black is a color which should be  admired, rather then distracted by another bold color. Don't take me wrong, I love pairing up black with other colors. My three favorite colors to pair up black with are; olive green, maroon, and white. If you decide to just wear black then you have to always remember to accessorize. A bold necklace and a nice purse are great things to add to a simple black outfit. Try it out and play with your outfit. Black is a great color to personalize and be creative with. Don't be afraid to take risks and express yourself.