The weather is getting warmer so your hair should be getting shorter. This season its all about hair to your shoulders, if not shorter. It's enough with the long hair, now is the time to make a change. Be bold, be different! I recently cut my hair short and I love it, something about it just makes me feel upbeat and easy going. Shorter hair makes you look thinner and allows people to focus on your face, not just on your long hair which is dragging you down. Cutting your hair also makes it look much healthier and tends to give it a certain shine. Short hair is very easy to control and doesn't involve too much work. I believe you cant go wrong with having hair of the length between your shoulders and your chin . Of course there's always the fear that chopping your long locks off will make you look like a mom, tired and lazy. I have a few tips to do the non-mom bob. First, texture, texture, texture, make sure your hair isn't flat and lifeless. There are many creams and shampoos you can use to create this effortless texture. With short hair its very easy and quick to curl. If your like me and you struggle with curling hair, you should try the flat iron waves. Twist your hair and straighten, its that quick and easy. So if you were wondering whats next for your hair, chop it off! Go the short way, it's effortless, beautiful, and looks great on everyone. If you decided to chop off your hair or have any questions, comment below I would love to reply ;)