Friday, July 13, 2012

Jeans Jacket

I write a lot about different types of jackets or sweaters because I think having the right type of sweater for the right outfit is very important. Instead of just throwing on a big sweater and being comfortable, you can wear maybe a leather jacket, a jeans jacket or even just a cardigan. It's always important to have some type of sweater with you when you know you are going out because chances are it will be chilly. So why not bring a sweater just incase. A cardigan can go over more casual things it's chic but comfortable you can get one in pretty much every color. Cardigans are very thin so even if you are going out on a summer night you can bring it with you incase it gets a bit cooler. A leather jacket is more cool, less casual and more out on the street wanting to look stylish and bold. Leather jackets are pretty different from cardigans because they are thicker and have more shape, so it's more difficult to just throw it in your bag where ever you go. Leather jackets really have to be part of your outfit. With a leather jacket you can't wear anything and expect the leather jacket to go with your outfit. And then there is the jeans jacket if you want something in between a cardigan and a leather jacket then jeans jackets are your perfect option. A jeans jacket is lighter than a leather jacket but still heavier than a cardigan. It has less form than a leather jacket so it is easier to take to places. A jeans jacket goes with pretty much every occasion, from a casual everyday outfit, to a maxi dress, to a night out. A jean jacket will look cool comfortable and how ever you want to look it just depends what you pear the jacket with. So now you know if our doubting what type of sweater to wear just always go with a jeans jacket.


  1. I absolutely agree with you. I always make sure to at least bring a cardigan with me even though the summers are really hot here when you go to the mall, go out for dinner or even groceries you have to deal with the AC and most of the time it's very chilly so it's nice to have your cardigan.

  2. I'm so obsessed with your blog. Everyday I just come back and skim through it, even though some stuff is old. Please post often. Without your tips I would be a mess, lol. Also, what stores do you recommend me shopping at? Hollister, Urban, Abercrombie... ect?

    1. That means so much to me its crazy, you dont know how amazing it feels to have such a loyal follower thanx alot! I will update soon if you have any ideas let me know! I really love Pacsun, I have actually never shopped in Urban outfiters but I heard they have cute things. Also another store I highly recommend is nordstrom rack they sometimes have extremely cute things at very affordable prices.

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