Saturday, August 10, 2013


 The problem with me is I get bored of my hair very quickly. So I decided to let it grow and try this new summer trend that I love so much. I recently dyed my hair ombré, and I love it! If you are worried about ruining your hair but love ombré and want to try this, don't worry. If an experienced person is bleaching your hair and paying attention while they are doing it, your hair should not get destroyed. Depending on how dark your hair is that is what decides how much bleach you need. They have to use bleach and use two different shades of dye. This didn't necessarily hurt my hair it just changed it a bit. Now my hair is a bit more dry and wavy-ish. I don't think this is only from my ombré though, my hair was already changing a little before I dyed it. Hair changes every five to seven years because of hormonal change. Ombré is colors that shade into each other graduated from dark to light. Generally ombré is done on brunettes. It doesn't normally show up very clear on blondes because then it would just be light to lighter. When you come to your colorist to dye your hair be prepared and have done the research. Come with pictures to show because there are many different ways ombré can be done. If your hair is all dried and done but you are not happy with the color, either its too dark or too light, don't be afraid to tell them. They should understand and try to fix it. This is what happened to me but now I am very happy with it. I know many people also try doing their own ombré. I do not recommend this because everyone I know who tried it was not 100% satisfied.  I also personally wouldn't trust myself with this. I hope if you do decided to ombré your hair, you end up loving it as much as I love mine.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Airport Fashion

So its spring break and I bet a lot of you are leaving to place's. Layering is the most important part of your wardrobe when you travel. On the airplane there can be very extreme temperature ranges, one second it will be freezing and you need your warm sweater and the next second you can be burning and need to be in your tank top. Normally when i'm on the plane I wear a tank-top, a comfy t-shirt and a big sweater. These layers will give you a variety of choices of comfort. For pants I normally like wearing leggings because this is my most comfy pant. STYLE TIP: never ever wear clothes you like on a plane. Way too many things could go wrong, plus for sure they will get all wrinkled. For shoes, you need very easy to side on and take off type of shoes. You also need to be able to walk a lot in them. Normally I wear my uggs in the winter and my flip flops in the summer. A little tip if you wear flip flops on the plane always bring socks in your carry on, this will just make your airplane life a lot easier. I hope that you will use these tips the next time you go on a plane.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Key Pieces

I think having a few key pieces in your wardrobe is very important. These are your pieces of clothing that are super versatile. You can dress these pieces up and you can dress them down depending on the occasion. I think having at least one great pair of fitting jeans is important. You can do so many things with a nice pair of jeans. A little black dress is essential in your wardrobe. There are so many different types from a-line to fitted. You can dress this piece up by wear stilettos. You can also dress the LBD down by wearing flats and a cardigan or blazer. I also believe that every girl needs a cute cardigan or blazer, if it is for on top of a dress to keep you warm when you are going out. Or you can pair them with a simple t-shirt and jeans. A great winter coat is also important. Anyone could throw on a bold coat and look amazing. A coat is great because you can put it over anything and look and feel fashionable and functional. A maxi dress should also definitely be somewhere in your wardrobe because it is one of the most functional summer pieces. If I don't know what to wear on a summer day I put on a maxi dress, it is for sure one of my go-to pieces. Having black heels is very important and so extremely versatile! The right pair of black heels can be dressed down for a day time work attire with some skinny jeans. They can also be dressed up for a night out with you little black dress. I believe that every girl should have at least these key pieces in your closet, I do and many of these are definitely my go-to pieces when I don't know what to wear.